Featured case studies
See how other companies are building their success with Metegrity.
This case study focuses on the Mero 3 FPSO, named Marechal Duque de Caxias, owned by MISC, which utilizes cutting-edge technologies, including Metegrity’s Vision Enterprise® and ABS Digital Solutions, to ensure operational readiness and compliance with stringent regulatory requirements.
The heart of North America’s Energy Delivery sector, a prominent leader, in crude oil and gas transportation, has chosen Metegrity’s Visions Enterprise® as the cornerstone of their Liquids Facility’s asset management system.
In pursuit of driving production efficiency, enhancing safety, and reducing risk, MOL Group strategically partnered with industry leaders TÜV Rheinland and Metegrity to implement a three-year initiative to standardize asset integrity practices and procedures.
Nippon Chemical selected Metegrity to support the ability to manage the inspection program, perform Risk Based Inspections (RBI), and develop communication reports for organization.